Monday, March 23, 2009

A day in the life...

Today I woke up to a gentle knock on the door. I stumbled out of my very springy and uncomfortable twin bed to a fellow student teacher who had locked her flash drive in the middle school and needed to borrow my keys.
“Now is as good a time as any to wake up, I s’pose.”
The usual morning routine of coffee, breakfast, shower, dress, get ready to walk 2 seconds away to the middle school was well broken up by a “what am I grateful for?” internal monologue. The highlights ranged from simple things such as the perfect sip of coffee (the pinnacle between when it is too hot to drink and when it is too luke warm to resemble the “best part of waking up”) to more complex and vastly important things like being born into an incredibly wonderful family and being surrounded by people I love and love me in return… know normal morning thoughts.
Decided today to shave around the fullest part of my facial hair. Still nothing resembling more than your garden variety 16 year old.
School seemed to fly by today. I started off with planning period, which I love, and got well prepared for the day’s lessons. The PE/outdoor ed. class tested their mile times and I introduced “Ultimate Frisbee” and how to throw the backhand. I have a wealth of memories involving my brother and I in the church parking lot across the street throwing the frisbee for hours, until it inevitably got lost in the blackberry bushes (don’t worry we would find it a year later, faded and unusable).
My health class started their PowerPoints on Illicit drugs, each group in charge of teaching the class the in’s and out’s of one major drug. They were stubborn as mule’s to get moving today, but progress was made.
I was pleasantly surprised at lunch with penne pasta and home-made red sauce from my cooperating teacher and tira misu (how do you spell that? Terra Missou?) from another teacher.
Immediately after school, I was “asked” to help some friends move furniture, etc from their house to another location. The end result was spending a wonderful evening, with great people, eating great food, and enjoying fascinating conversation about life, people, and traveling. A great bottle of wine (Spetlesse mom!!), California salad, chilli, bean pods and mushrooms, sausage and sauerkraut, and buffalo meat balls (yes jokes about buffalo balls were too easy to resist). It was a hodgepodge assortment for dinner, but “deliceaux!”
My evening has now turned into procrastinating on tomorrow’s lesson plans (again first period planning….gotta love life right now!), suckin down some Corona’s, and watching “The Sound of Music” in preparation for my travels to Austria and Germany in 2 weeks. I am thinking of you momma, and enjoying every minute of the movie!

I am 23, going on 24. What is a boy to do?
The future: a question mark
A quiet evening in the park,
Life it has been so kind.

This weekend is Dublin,
Guinness and Jameson,
Maybe the book of Kels.

I am 23, going on 24. Where is a boy to go?
Corsica, Sardinia,
Malta, Mallorca,
Possibly a Grecian Isle?

Each day I’m grateful
For this life so peaceful.
People wont you join me soon?

This was a day in the life of the Traveling Halbury..and those were a few of my favorite things.


Susan Iverson said...

I am totally feeling the love in this one, who would have thought, spaetlese and The Sound of Music, these are few of my favorite things. I'm glad you are able to enjoy them. Thanks also for a glimpse into a day in your life. It is priceless to a Mom. Love you!

Kale Iverson said...

what do you eat for lunch? Cafeteria food?


Also, my kids love the "indoor" off the wall version of ultimate frisbee where you can catch goals off of anything.

Additionally, it really still pisses me off just thinking about how many perfectly good baseballs and frisbees we lost in those damn stickers.

Thanks for the great post!, I was so excited when I say a new post...I was like "YES!" I've been waiting !

Love you bud.

Living in the Now said...

Dude you crack me up! Love the pic at the dog races, you definitely look like you fit in there.

Anonymous said...

When are you boys coming back from Europe???? Xavier is playing at the Showbox on the 29th of June...of course we are going....Thought I would check!
Have loads of fun this wkend!!!
We head out Monday for Florida! Will be gone a wk, can't wait to see the sun again!!!!!

Lots of love, we miss you!!!
C, J, A and M Wicks

My Playlist